Red Snapper Fishing with Billy & Justin Young on May 28, 2023© Photos Posted by Mark Primo Miller © Hi-Res Source
Red Snapper Season opened on May 26 but was windy opening day and I had some oil leak issues discovered on my previous trip the previous weekend. Originally was planning to take Chase Smith out but with the Engine issue and wind forecasts being unpredictable, it was cancelled. However Billy & Justin Young were in town from Texarkana and the weather started looking better so we headed out to some close in spots. We were struggling initially but came across this sunken Barge in 65 feet of water which showed more promise so I made a dive and finished out our limit on it. Total trip encompassed 74 miles, 47 gallons of fuel, and 9 hours.
I had put some AT-205 Stop Leak in the Oil Chamber for this trip but this turned out to be a big mistake. Instead of losing oil, it started making oil. My usual mechanic Jon Lawrence wanted to try and recover her and flushed the engine with new oil a couple times and put in new plugs, but on the test run, something else went south and now she has a knock, low oil pressure, and weak power.