Trip to MP225, Esther, and 111 Barge© Photos Posted by Mark Primo Miller © Hi-Res Source
The weather finally laid down enough to get out on the water. Onboard was Cowboy, Coon, Omar, and Garret. We started out at MP225 (272' deep) hoping for mostly blue water but we were met with 80 feet of green water on top, but it opened up nicely below that. With AJ & Red Snapper closed, it was hard to find fish, but Omar got a nice Cobia right out of the gate freediving with no reel. Coon came thru with a good eating Mangrove Snapper and I settled for an Ocean Trigger Fish. Omar picked up another Cobia at MP260 (384' deep). We were going to head out to Neptune Spar (the Beer Can Rig) but we were having performance issues with the Yamaha 300 burning too much fuel so we decided to head North instead. I made a scuba dive on the Esther Wreck in 156 feet of water, my first visit to this wreck. After that, I put Omar and Garret on a Barge in 111 feet of water. We didn't take home a lot of meat, but it was a great day on the water that encompassed 192 miles, 134 gallons of fuel, and almost 14 hours.
The next day I noticed oil streaming down the side of the Yammy for the first time. Investigating suggests leaking at the Cam Shaft Bearing. It has 1865 hours and is 8 years old. The shop has a 10 week turn around time. May try some AT-205 Stop Leak in her. Decisions, Descisions.