Ira & David McDaniel & Cookie Gilder© Photos by Mark Primo Miller - August 21, 2004 © All Rights Reserved Hi-Res Source
The crew included Ira & David McDaniel from Jackson, and Cookie Gilder from Greenville. The weather forecast was not looking prime and the ride out was into a bumpy 2-3 foot chop. After getting out, things started to settle down a bit and the fish were biting. However, about mid-day, the bite slacked off significantly and we had trouble getting our limit of snapper after throwing back several keepers in the 16-18 inch range. A strong current also hampered our efforts. We did manage a few more snapper and we did coax an AJ into taking a live hard tail. Overall we managed some quality fish for the trip. Ira and myself made an oil rig dive to the east and out of the current. I took pictures while Ira hunted fish. He seemed to be looking the wrong direction when the AJs scooted by, but the dive was very enjoyable with relatively good visibility all the way to the bottom.
Total trip was 145 miles and about 14.5 hours.