CockRoach Reef Deployed on November 25, 2024

© Photos Posted by Mark Primo Miller ©    Hi-Res Source
There was news of a Tug Boat being deployed as a Reef with a manufactured model CockRoach hitchhiker on it's back. I happened to be off work so I decided to go take some photos and watch her go down. I put a message out that I was going, and to see if anyone wanted to tag along. Mike Catchot responded and off we went. There were 5 other boats plus the GulfStream Marine Tug that towed her out. The DMR had 2 boats out there plus the Amberjack, Strike Zone, and Greg Byrd in his Sea Hunt. Things pretty much went without a hitch and the vessel landed upright sitting pretty. I made a dive afterwards to document a benchline video of the vessel as of her deployment. The water depth was about 89 feet and the 4-Deck Tug came up to about 48 feet. The antennas on the Roach actually protrude upward to 38 feet. I took various depth measurements throughout the dive. This video is just something quick to put up online, but a full video may be produced later. Unfortunately, the photos I took were all under exposed. I had forgotten to reset my settings after my trip last month taking sunset photos. I tried to post process them the best I could, but I wasn't shooting RAW. It was an enoyable day out in the sun that encompassed 70 miles, 34.5 gallons of fuel, and 5-1/2 hours.

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