Triple Rig Night Dive on October 13, 2019© Photos Posted by Mark Primo Miller © Hi-Res Source
This was a Night Dive on the well known Triple Rig located about 10 miles South of Petit Bois Island off Mississippi. My goal was to collect some aquarium fish. I remember years back I used to collect at night because the Tropicals would just sit there making them easy to catch. Unfortunately, I did not find many Tropical Fish. I did get some barnacles and blennies, but I could have done that in daylight. Regardless it was a fun dive. I used a smaller 30 cu foot tank and got about 25 mins on it with still a 1,000 psi left. The bottom was around 60 feet but I spent most of my time around 20 feet looking for critters. I put out some green lights and they attracted some baitfish and gave us a reference of where the boat was. Visibitly was not that bad, even on the bottom. Todd Cospelich tagged along looking for flounder in vain and my wife Pam also came and tended the boat for us. The Trip encompassed 57 miles, 27 gallons of fuel, and 4 hours.