USM Recorders Deployed in FH-8, Cat Island, FH-4, FH-14, FH-10, and FH-13

On May 2, 2017 Recorders were deployed in FH-8, Cat Island, FH-4, FH-14, FH-10. Conditions were terrible because of recent high winds and rain. Visibility was so bad that the air gauge could not even be read. However, the job was completed.

On May 7, 2017, another trip was made to deploy in FH-13 and FH-7. Again conditions were very bad. It took 3 dives on FH-13 to get the job done. When we got to FH-7, the conditions were still bad with high currents extending down deep into the water column and very muddy water. After the marker buoy would not hold after 2 attempts the effort was aborted deeming it unsafe.