Stephen & Joseph Cawthon - June 20, 2014© Photos Posted by Mark Miller © Hi-Res Source
This was a charter by Stephen & Joseph Cawthon of Boynton Beach, Florida. We worked our way out to the bluewater floater Platform Ensco 8502 in 2123 feet of water. Unfortunately, we did not find the Tuna active there and moved on to the BP Pompano Platform about 5 miles away in 1290 feet of water. We made some dives there and Paul speared some Mangroves and Horseye Jacks. We did not see any Tuna action here either so we headed north to do what we know best. We picked up a nice Cobia, a couple AmberJack, and Joseph caught the biggest red snapper in his life (24 pounds). It was a long fun day that encompassed 233 miles, 119 gallons of fuel, and 16 hours.
See last years trip by clicking here.