Thomas & Carrie Young - March 6, 2009© Photos posted by Mark Miller © Hi-Res Source
This was a Charter by Thomas and Carrie Young of Springfield, IL. We started Fishing on the North end of FH-13 on a Pyramid and picked up one nice Snapper and lost a couple others. Seas were a rolly 3-4 feet and both Tom and Carrie soon began chumming the waters. We stopped at a Wrecked Shrimp Boat and picked up a few more Snapper, but they could take no more and asked to head in. I offered to turn it into an Island Trip, but Tom said Carrie was a Diabetic and did not have a test kit so we headed in and got to the Dock at 10AM. Total Trip encompassed 50.6 miles, 4 hours, and 25.1 gallons of fuel ($47).