Paul Miller - "In The Boat" - December 31, 2005© Photos by Mark Primo Miller © Hi-Res Source
Finally the seas calmed down, but nobody wanted to go fishing except for my 10 year old son Paul. So he and I headed out into the foggy calm seas to see what might be waiting for us. Red Snapper and Red Fish were plentiful and fun. Too bad regulations don't allow us to take them home to taste at the dinner table. We didn't mind too much cause we were fishing. I think my other two boys wish they would have come too after seeing our pictures. We must have boated at least a dozen snapper in the 19-22 inch size and two nice redfish that were 35 and 26 inches long. Both of us lost a couple really hefty fish in the structure, but Paul finally boated a nice 16 pounder at the end of the day to earn his new nickname of "In-The-Boat" Paul. The Snapper was a little stressed from our picture taking, but he did revive and was released to fight another day.