PRIMO's Photo Galleries

Fishing Trips by Thumbnail

2025    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004    2003    Older Archives     MISC    Fish Identification    Shark Identification   

Click on the links above to access the Galleries. If you recently went on a Charter, try the Fishing Trips by Thumbnail link. I pick out one of my favorite photos, then thumbnail it to that page and link it to the Gallery. Recent trips are at the end of the thumbnails.

My Photo Galleries are arranged by year. They contain Fishing Charters, Personal Trips or Vacations, and other submitted pictures. Click Here to see older Charter Trips. Click Here to see other older poorly organized pictures. You may also want o check out my Dive Reports that I prepare for MGFB (Mississippi Gulf Fishing Banks). . -->

If you want to print any of these pictures, please be sure to find the Hi-Res version as it will print much better. When in a Gallery, make note of the filename for the pic you want. Then look for a link at the top of the page that says "Hi-Res Source". Click on it and you will be in the folder with the source pictures. You should be able to right click the file and select "Save Target As". Or click on the filename and then right click on the picture and choose "Save Picture As". If you want several or all the pictures, email me and I will zip them up for you and put them in this same folder. Or you can use FTP using your favorite FTP Client, your Web Browser, or the Microsoft FTP Client provided with Windows. Use the address with the credentials fisherman/bait if anonymous is not allowed. You then need to navigate the Hi-Res photo folder. From there you can download multiple files. Also, if I took any AVI videos, they will be in this Hi-Res Folder too. Sometimes I don't take time to link them to the thumbnail page.

Most of my newer Galleries are compiled using LViewPro, which made things easier and faster than my old manual compilation method. In most cases, I leave access to the hi-resolution source files so you can get your favorite photo at maximum resolution for printing. I still retain copyright privelages, so if you use a photo for commercial gain or public viewing, . If you would like me to post your own fishing pictures in my Gallery, you can email them to me or I can setup an FTP upload area for you. At this time, I offer this service for free, so take advantage of it.

2018    2017    2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004    2003    Older Archives

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